From blogs, videos, podcasts, and interviews--find resources that answer your questions about being an end-of-life doula.
Some people’s interest in topics related to death and dying is purely for their own understanding. This is powerful in and of itself, as we can powerfully change the world one person at a time within our own personal circles of friends and family. s each person fully comprehends the natural order and cycles of life and death in nature, in processes, in humans and in the animal world, then we may quit resisting “this last part (dying)” so much.
So, to be curious or fascinated for only your own personal reasons is enough to change the world. You may add understanding wherever you go. Those of you who are called to more, say you are the one people call when someone is ill or dying, you no doubt feel more responsibility for ‘doing something’. You have a natural skill or calling for this; you understand what is needed in the situation. You have a way of being that provides comfort and that’s why people call you. You are the person who naturally reads a lot about caregiving, death and dying, issues on how to make the situation better, the latest thoughts on improving situations, etc. Many of you are volunteers for hospice, hospitals, and nursing homes. You naturally continue to seek learning opportunities. The biggest things you need to work on, as the go-to person, are your boundaries around self-care and really reflecting on how can you help in the present situation while still taking care of yourself and your family. And then, there is the person who is passionate with the idea of serving others at the end of life more than they are already doing now. This person may be in one of the above categories already and be mostly satisfied there, but some are not. Those of you who want to do more for your community are either doing that now in a volunteer capacity, working in the medical field, helping fields that serve the dying directly or indirectly, or may never have done either - but KNOW you have something to offer. I receive calls from many of you who are drawn deeply to this work and who have been seeking, volunteering, and working in avenues already created. You have great ideas of how you want to bring this piece of you into the world in new ways; I’ll refer to you as the pioneer. The pioneer sees holes in health and death care and has ideas of how they can help fill these gaps. Here are some suggestions for the pioneer:
Are you interested in serving at the end of life in your own unique way?
"It's 100% possible!"